Month: May 2024
don’t offend
slick as a whistle
each sip tastes swell
no shock. no strain
doomed to die
her passion had so enslaved me
meaty rich tasty pard
i wont be guilty of b.o. again
never again fear any man
before it reaches your set
yes, dear
1000 concrete blocks a day
men love mushrooms
the greatest slide show on earth
how many communists in your state?
wonderful new invention
spicy, painful, joys
charlie weaver’s early gig
Cliff Arquette aka comedian Charlie Weaver of Hollywood Squares fame, was Rosanna, David and Patricia Arquette’s grandpa
how to collect stamps
amaze everyone
home movies
wonder animals
beer belongs
big profits
gay love
he’s only a child
what a man
prefect voice
yeast eater
homes of tomorrow
chicken sand-witch
sweet gwendoline
george catlin
Starting in the 1820s, George Catlin (1796-1872) dedicated himself to paint and record American Indians and their customs before what he was convinced would be their imminent destruction. The first professional painter to go West, Catlin sketched members of many Indian tribes, including the Sioux, Osage, and Comanche, and was the only artist to draw portraits of several tribes that would soon be extinct. His Letters and Notes on the North American Indians, first published in 1841, is a classic study of the traditions of these great peoples.
Soon after Catlin’s death, his remains were brought to Green-Wood for interment in the lot of his in-laws, the Gregorys, They had made the gravestone of Catlin’s wife (and their daughter) Clara the centerpiece of their lot. But they had long been unhappy with George and interred him at the back of their lot. It wasnt until 1961, almost a century after his death, that a simple gravestone was placed to mark the final resting place of the man whom many credit as the father of the art of the American West